Can’t Find What Your Looking For?
We have generally encountered every conceivable issue you may be experiencing with your Nokia and we can find a solution or repair almost any fault. With two stores based in Sydney’s CBD and Bondi Junction, we are available to conveniently provide you with free quotations and for most services can generally have you back up and running within the same day.
Other Nokia Repair Services
We can do much more than replace your screen. Whatever the issue you are having, we can find the solution to get you back up and running. If you are unable to find the service you need, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist.
Other Phone Repair Services | Repair Price |
Charging Connector | $50.00 |
Data Recovery | $300.00 |
Free Instant Quotes For All Nokia Repairs
Avoid the 1-2 week wait time (and high prices) that sending your mobile phone to the manufacturer for screen repair typically entails
Who can forget what was once the most popular brand of phone in the world? Once dominating the phone industry, achieving a total monopoly. We all know what happened next. However, what goes up, must come down. After the merger with Microsoft, it seems Nokia Smartphones are making a comeback. The latest range are not to be overlooked and we can provide repair services for any model.